Sunday, April 08, 2007




Happy Easter Everyone! I write this on Sunday evening of Easter and this weekend has brought up a whole slew of topics for me on which to write. I think given the holiday I will touch on the subject of FAITH. And how I am, as I often do, allowing my fears to cast shadow on my faith.
Although I am currently working on a new project, it will come to a conclusion the first of May. And for the first time in a while, I am not CRAZY busy, nor do I have anything on the horizon after May 1. What am I to do? How will I pay the rent? Will I ever work again? These and other crazy thoughts began to creep into my head. My Faith is being challenged. This is the time to relinquish control and remind myself I will be fine. No matter what, or what DOESN'T come to pass, I must try to release the tight 'hold' I have on my life to acheive some desired outcome and be open to the present without worry for the future. Because by doing so, I may be missing out on opportunities and miracles right in front of me. I have set forth my intentions and I must have FAITH that the Universe is conspiring in ways to assist me that I can not even imagine possible. In the book "FAITH" by A.C. Ping, one sentence in particular reverberated in me tonight:

In these times of frustration, have faith. Trust that when the time is right, it will happen. Trust that although nothing seems to be happening on the surface, a whole lot is happening below the surface. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it is not there.

Fitness Tip: Switch It Up!
Time to do some Spring cleaning. Start with your closets (a one day activity!) and then your fitness routine!!!! The more you practice any ONE thing, the more proficient and efficient you become at that skill, including your workouts. Your body knows what to expect and can more easily manage that 3 mile jog you've been doing three times a week for the past year. Throw it off balance! If you are a member at a gym, check out a new group exercise class... there are some innovative and creative workouts begging for you to jump in! Or, invest in a trainer once a week for a month. Not only will that put you on the fast track for a bikini ready bod, you'll learn new techniques to breathe new life into your workout that should last through the summer. Or, as the weather gets better, check out local community activities that take place outside. Hikes, swimming and running groups are usually available in every city. If you don't find one convenient or accessible for you, start your own!

Small Change Tip: Spend Some Time Alone
Feeling 'stuck' and 'blocked' I scheduled a last minute energy clearing/healing/massage session on Friday. My therapist asked me some questions, that surprisingly, I didn't know the answers to. "What is my favorite flower?" "What really made me happy as a child?" "What did I LOVE to eat when I was younger?" Wow. I had no idea. So I spent this weekend doing a little self - excavating. I went to the store looked at the flowers and found myself gravitating toward a beautiful vibrant orchid. It is now sitting on my armoire. I searched my home for scents that put me at ease or just filled my senses (Vanilla, cinnamon, COFFEE, eucalyptus, lavender . . . ) and made sure I had those around. Although I recall really liking E.T. ice cream (vanilla with Reese's Pieces!) when I was younger, my tastes had changed, so I indulged in my newest obsession with Carrot Cake Rice Cream this weekend. Two sittings and that was gone. I experimented with a new cookbook, read a book that has been sitting on my night stand table, cleaned and put a new bed together. All of these things made me feel accomplished, proud, happy. I was nice to myself and rediscovered my power and my joy. Sometimes, in our world so full of commitments, appointments, friends, families, we need to spend some time alone and do these things that make us feel like just that.

What's New:
If you read the top portion of this newsletter, you'll know not too much! I continue to work on my new DVD which will film May 1.
I recently hosted and led the cardio workouts to be included with the purchase of a new product called the ABRAIL!
Go to for more information.
I am in a new VW print ad that can be found in April's issue of Fortune's Small Business and Inc. magazines. It will run in other publications in the following months!
My new series of 20 minute "mini" web workouts for Exercise TV ( including a cardio dance segment and my signature ballet strength class should be on line shortly. Also be on the lookout for a yoga inspired workout and "red carpet ready". I will keep everyone posted as to when those can be viewed.
I recently completed creating the choreography and consulting on the fitness component of Carmen Electra's new Aerobic Striptease videos. We shot in Vegas at the MGM Grand in Studio 54 and the Lofts. It was a fun experience and a great crew.
I recently shot two segments for the WE network as the fitness expert for two make-over shows for brides and bikinis! The airdate is still to be determined.
My "10 Minute Solution Dance Mix" recently hit number ONE in fitness DVD sales. You can now purchase autographed copies of this and all my DVD's on my website! Until then, check your local retail stores.
My All Star Workouts continue to run on FIT TV and now Discovery Health Network. Check your local listings for Hip Hop and Ballet Strength.
There WILL be more to come . . .


Anonymous said...

Hey Jen!! It's Joy from The Cup! Bought your Crunch Dance Party video yesterday just because it was you! So excited to see you doing what you always wanted to do! Sure beats sitting behind a desk, huh?

Shoot me an email here at The Cup and I will let you know what we've been up to

Anonymous said...

LOVE your blog - and your videos! You completely inspire me. What's your secret for staying in such great shape? (Your arms alone are killer!) What does a typical day look like for you in terms of diet and exercise? I (and I am sure others) would love to learn more from you!


Jennifer said...

So nice to hear from you . . . please email me at so I have your email address.
Hope all is well in the Ham!

Jennifer said...

Thanks Lisa!!!! SECRET? Well, I'll tell you the big NOT SO secret. I take care of myself with regular exercise (mostly dance, yoga and Pilates style disciplines) and meditate at LEAST once a day. It helps keep me centered and allows me to gracefully deal with the little stresses that get thrown into my day!
As far as a typical day, I probably exercise a little bit more than the average person does, but that is mainly what I do for a living. With regards to diet, I eat a lot of "living" and "raw" foods. Basically a raw diet consists of no dairy, no meat (although I do love and occasionally eat fish) and for the most part, no foods cooked over 118*. I don't necessarily recommend this type of lifestyle for everyone. It can be difficult until you get the hang of it and time consuming. If you would like to learn more about it though, I would recommend a book called the RAW FOOD DETOX by Natalia Rose. It is a nice introduction to a raw diet and is also approachable. It gives some GREAT recommendations on how to slowly transition your habits.
In general, I call myself a "flexitarian"! I listen to what my body tells me and go from there. If I am feeling I need more protein or fleshy type foods, I will chow down some sushi with the best of them!
Best of luck to you and please continue to post comments and write.
Best in Health and Happiness,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

You're one of my favorite fitness instructors and are obviously a phenomenal dancer. I love and have recorded your ballet strength workout on FIT TV. Any chance there might be a pilates-ballet inspired DVD in your (and our) future??

Keeping my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer! Thanks so much for such great information! I appreciate you taking the time to share it. I picked up RAW FOOD DETOX that you recommended and discovered I am at Level III. I was a vegetarian for 13 years and I got hooked on dairy and soy as my "go-to" protein sources. (My husband is an excellent cook so now I eat some meat.) I am a huge fan of Stonyfield Farms yogurt (organic & probiotic) and certain cheeses (in small amounts!) which would be hard to give up, but I do like that the author gives helpful instructions based on how "raw" you want to become. I am a big fan of Dr. Mark Hyman as well - he has a great detox program - ever heard of him? As an aside, my husband works in the health club industry opening new health clubs across the country and I have told him about Emerald Balance - it seems like good stuff! Thanks for being so open and encouraging with all of your advice. Besides being talented in fitness and dance, you also seem like a really neat person! All the best, Lisa

Jennifer said...

Thank you for your compliments!
Keep up the requests for a workout like the Ballet Strength show . . . I am trying to get it out there. It is my favorite workout to do and teach so I am hoping to get one on permanent record soon! Keep up the good work and email me at or post to the blog whenever!
Best in Health and Happiness,