Wednesday, May 30, 2007


My Dreams Are Coming True.

I apologize for missing last months newsletter. I could use the excuse that I am busy, have been traveling, etc. but I've actually had plenty of opportunities to write this newsletter, and plenty of ISSUES to address here in the inspirational portion. The truth is, I've been feeling less than inspired lately. By my work, by relationships, by anything really. I am tired of doing what I am doing and I want something more. I am questioning many things right now, career in particular. I am tired and I do not feel as if continuing down the path of fitness in particular will continue to feed my soul. So what to do next? Who knows. But I do have wild and grand dreams. And after a meditation one morning I decided to look at a deck of inspiration cards I have and one with the quote above appeared on top. And I was reminded that my dreams are indeed possible. If I create my ideal scene in DETAIL (How does that Look? Feel? Taste? Smell?) and experience that (write it down. . . see small tip below!) then the opportunities and steps necessary to fulfill my dreams will emerge one by one. I truly believe this. I have to if I am to take a risk and leave something that I know and am comfortable with and venture out into a more unknown field. Do I get a degree in nutrition? Do I open a healthy restaurant? Create a TV show to inspire others with me as the host? Travel the world and write a book? All of these are included in my dreams (not to mention finding an ideal mate, having a home I love, etc.) and I believe that every one of them is on it's way. If I can find the patience within me, my "uncomfortable" and oft sad and lonely periods are to be followed by great joy.
I found a quote I love from Hellen Keller:

"We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world."

Fitness Tip: Just DO IT!!!
Nike was on to something here! I was blessed to spend Mother's Day Weekend in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with my own Mother, 2 Aunts, Cousin, Grandmother, and her friend's daughters. Talk about an AMAZING (re)-treat! Anyway, I have lived in Southern Cali for over eight years now and have told myself I am going to learn how to surf EVERY SUMMER, but it never happened. I always had an excuse. It takes too long to get to the beach, the water is too cold, it's not warm enough, I don't have a surfboard. You name the excuse, I found it.
However, all of those "good" excuses were quickly shut down in Mexico. We were STEPS from the beach and the water was PERFECT. It was VERY WARM. There were SURFBOARDS abundant. Lessons be damned. There was no better time than now. I jumped in the water put my body on the board and paddled out with a few quick tips from my cousin and friend. (Who aren't pros!) All I can say is WOW!!!! I am HOOKED! Now I get it. The it to which everyone seems to refer when talking about surfing. It's a great workout, it's relaxing, meditative, clears the mind, and when you get a chance at that wave--to ride it--- oh my gosh, it feels like flying. And I didn't even get up all the way!!!! I laughed the whole time and felt like a kid again as I "bit it" and the waves completely washed over me. My point? We are more likely to postpone doing the stuff (yes, even exercise) we KNOW is good for us and that would make us feel better. So get off your butt and just DO IT. Worse case scenario? You DON'T like it and you don't do it again! BEST case? AHH!!! It's just as you expected and this new exercise, activity, whatever it is, is exhilarating, fills you with life and energy and brings you bliss. SO DO IT!!!

Small Change Tip: Write It Down!!!!
As I ponder the next steps in my life and in which direction to go, I have found myself turning to my journal more and more. Lately, I've been writing twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed! That's a lot of "stuff" and "clutter" in the mind to get out. I am not saying that all of a sudden the "right answer" appears on the page as to what I do next. However, writing down my thoughts, no matter how seemingly mundane, innocuous, or crazy they may seem, clears
the 'junk' blocking my view of the path ahead of me. If nothing else it's therapeutic. Create a safe and comfortable environment for yourself. Play some of your favorite relaxing "mood" music, light a candle, make a cup of tea and relax. Don't put pressure on yourself to write some great thesis or have any expectation of what you "should be" writing about. You are just giving yourself time to clear out. If you think what your doing is silly and a bunch of B.S. . . . .then write THAT down!

What's New:
GEEESH, since I missed a month, there is lots to report!
My new series of 20 minute "mini" web workouts for ExerciseTV including a cardio dance segment and my signature ballet strength class are NOW ON LINE!!! For those of you requesting a DVD version of my FIT TV Ballet Strength episode, you will be able to find a condensed twenty minute version of that workout at :
The yoga routine can be found at :
AND a cardio crazy dance routine can be found at :
Also look for my ten minute ab STANDING ab routine as well as my Red Carpet Ready total body workout. Check them out and as always I welcome your comments and feedback!

I FINISHED shooting my newest DVD to be entitled Dance Off the Inches: Hip Hop Party and it will most likely be out in the Fall.

The Swimsuit Secrets Revealed show on WE TV is now airing. I was the fitness expert on this show. Check out and click on the link for your local channel and times.

I recently did a YOGA photo shoot which appears in an industry trade magazine called Get Active which can be found in gyms, stores, etc. If you don't see it around, or don't know of it, go to and you'll see the article headline on the home page. Click on it to see a full spread of me in various yoga positions. Also, if you've never done yoga, this is a great starter!

The VW print ad in which I am featured continues to run and can be found in June's issues of of Real Simple, Body and Soul and DWELL magazines. These are the final months of publication.

In my last post, I mentioned my job as choreographer and consultant for Carmen Electra's new Aerobic Striptease videos. I recently filmed some 'behind the scenes' interviews and I will keep you all posted with upcoming news regarding that release.

My "10 Minute Solution Dance Mix" recently hit number ONE in fitness DVD sales. You can now purchase autographed copies of this and all my DVD's on my website! Until then, check your local retail stores.

My All Star Workouts continue to run on FIT TV and now Discovery Health Network. Check your local listings for Hip Hop and Ballet Strength.


Dave said...

Surfing's awesome, isn't it?! Nice page, by the way. Love the pics. ;) I also like the inspirational quotes you post within your newsletters. And hey, congrats on the success of your 10-Minute Solution Dance Mix!! Later!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we are related? : )

Anonymous said...


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