Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Things I Hate

Traffic. The 405. Missing my yoga class because of the previous 2.

1 comment:

shellbell said...

Hi Jennifer,
I wanted to say how much I am enjoying your "Ballet Strength" workout through exercise tv right now. I am a stay at home Mom of a 3yr. old & as of right now it is not on the agenda to go out & join a gym. I have done some of your other workouts as well & have enjoyed those as well. It can sometimes be very difficult to work out at home for lot's of different reasons but one of them being motivation. I love that your workouts have a nice flow to them, your very clear on your instruction, & considering everything that must be going on while your taping these segments, very poised....and if I may add that your in fabulous shape! :)As a person that seems tobe battling my weight constantly and just trying to stay healthy it is important for me to find that "Connection" to keep me moving.....Thank You!!! I hope to find more workouts from you in the future.
Shelly Angell