Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday Night Movie

I love going to the movies by myself.  I forget how much so since I don't do it often enough.
But I was feeling particularly lonely on this Friday evening and was in the mood for a totally cheesy and mindless "chick flick".  "Definitely Maybe" seemed to fit the bill quite nicely.  I wasn't going for the amazing acting.  I was going, being the good sappy romantic I am, for a good cry.  I was due.  
Some of the most wonderful things about going to the movies by yourself:  
1. You can go any time you please without regards to anyone else's schedule.  
2.  I can make my popcorn at home and bring it with me without a friend of date being embarrassed by it.   
3.  I can sit wherever I damn well please in the theater and I'm more likely to find empty seats on either side of me since I don't have to 'move one seat down' to accommodate another.  
4.  For the most part, complete silence.  No one to even make comments to. 
5.  Darkness.  
6.  I can cry at the cheesiest parts of the movie and not have to turn to see my friend/companion smirking or laughing at me.  
7.  Sitting in the theater as the closing credits roll with no concern for the people leaving around you.  Note:  I am still crying and I can do it all by myself for as long as I want.  
8.  Dreaming, as I walk out of the theater that my life will have the same fairy tale happy ending.

The only downside to going to the movie by yourself, is coming home by yourself and being by yourself after it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer - I can honestly say I have never gone to a movie by myself, I usually wait till they are out on DVD, I give you a lot of credit for going by yourself though...LOL I don't know if it's the full moon, but all I want to do is sabatage my hard work and eating plan!!! I keep trying to talk myself out of going to CVS and getting big bags of peanut butter M&M's, and peanut M&M's and filling a cup and sitting them next to me at my desk and chowing them down!!! I gained one lousy pound and I'm ready to throw in the towel for christ sake!!! I want to go home, get in my pj's and go back to sleep...get up around 1pm have lunch, go back to bed and wake up around 4pm have an early dinner and then work out with one of your videos!!! Now that would be a good day!! LOL...LOL

Anonymous said...

Please watch your language here. Taking God's name in vain is totally uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

get a life silly!!

Anonymous said...

If you're talking to me, I do have a life.

Anonymous said...

Of course I'm talking to you for the love of god!!!!

Jennifer said...

If you are going to write comments on this blog under an anonymous tag, I would appreciate it if you only wrote valid and relevant comments and nothing snide or spiteful. Let's keep this an open forum where people feel free to honestly and openly express themselves without being subject to ridicule or criticism.
Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

I like the movies a lot. I go alone and with family. I just did one of your yoga sequences from On-Demand. It was great.