Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What a Weekend.

The past month has found me frustrated, sad and uninspired.  Things have been more difficult than usual to ‘deal with’ and I have been feeling particularly un-centered and misguided.  I can not seem to connect to that ‘inner voice’ that tells me where to go, what to do and whether to turn right, left or just stay where I am.  Not the most wonderful place to be when you feel you have big decisions in front of you.

I know that is a huge sign for me to stop, breathe more and meditate.  I was doing that back in L.A. with some increased yoga classes (when I didn’t necessarily feel like it) but after a weekend at home with family (which often presents more challenges to overcome internally) and lacking my usual resources or finding them more difficult to access, I feel completely off course in only a few short days.  And it’s not a good feeling.

This and sheer exhaustion led to mini-meltdowns in the middle of both Fort Lauderdale and Atlanta airports.  While I am sure these tears helped to get me on supposedly ‘over-booked’ flights to get be back to L.A. quicker, their source was very real.  And I have to remember, as uncomfortable as it was to go through, to not be able to stop the tears in front of hundreds of people, it was something that need to rise to the surface and release…. And release….. and release.  And I know there will be more to come.  And there will always be more to come.  Because as much as I would love to constantly be the calm in the middle of the storm, I haven’t quite mastered that technique yet.  But I will continue to try.  

Until then, a good cry never hurt anyone.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

I'm sorry to hear of your ongoing pain and frustration, and hope that you can draw upon your strength to get through such confusing times. All my best. We're on your side & understand!! Always "talk" to us. We'll support you!

Anonymous said...

I too am sorry to hear of your frustrating times. I have to admit I've been feeling some of the same. I too, have been facing big decisions. Maybe that has something to do with it? The frustration of things unfinished?

I would like to encourage you in that I really enjoy the Ballet Strength program on Fit TV. I've also done the Hip Hop program. I love the style in which you lead and encourage people. When I haven't yet learned the steps, I still feel encouraged to continue.

Anonymous said...

To piggyback what Nathania said, I too love my videos and dvds that include you!! You offer more to us than you could possibly know, since you aren't aware of people around the globe dancing "with" you, or following your moves. You've put your talent out there, and we so enjoy it. Please remember that. Take care!

Jennifer said...

Thank you everyone for your kind words. Know that for as much as I try to help and assist you, you lift me up as well!
Have a beautiful weekend.
Best In Health and Happiness---

hotingreen said...

You are going to be fine. Really. Everything is okay in your world. Believe it. You are safe. I've started reading a book called, "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay. It works wonders. I would have never found you or your videos had it not been for that book. I am a "has been" college dance team captain and needed desperately to find an exercise I enjoy. I found your videos online and have a blast exercising now. What used to be a chore is no longer a pain in the a$$. You are changing people's lives. Thanks for the inspiration! Bridget

Jenifer Williams said...

Hi Jennifer! Sounds like you have a great struggle in your life, and I want you to know, I am going through something of that sort myself right now. It involves family, being severly wronged by them, and trying to learn to forgive...and forget so that I can moved on. One thing that keeps me balanced and focused is your 10-Min Solutions video (Dance It Off & Tone It Up). I do at least 3 of the routines 2-3 times per week and have already seen results - 12.5 lost in 2 weeks! Yay! This is so important to me - I am a very busy mother of 2 (an 18 month old and a 4 month old), a homemaker, and a wife who tries to keep up with my hubby's outdoor activities. To top it off, I am quite overweight. But you make me smile and keep me going, as tough as it was to get started. I know I can do it, and you are such an inspiration. I hope someday to show you what I have accomplished. Whatever your struggle is, please know that you will get through it, you will overcome it. And know that you make others feel good about themselves; if only for a half hour out of their crazy day! Smile and have a great day!!