Sunday, April 13, 2008


Wow. Where to begin. In a nutshell my life has been an amazing and unexpected whirlwind for the past two months. To those of you who have sent me emails recently, thank you and I apologize for not returning them promptly or posting anything here lately. Allow me to tell the story . . .
So a few months back, I was approached at the gym one Saturday morning by an old friend whom I haven't seen in YEARS, telling me about an audition for a new internet show in Orange County which will be sponsored by the newspaper down there, and encouraging me to audition. Although I knew my friend was serious about it and it was a legitimate position, how many times have I heard this song and dance before? (What, ME jaded??? Nah . . . ) What the heck though. Like most opportunities, I follow up initially and see where it goes. I met with the producers and after our discussion in Orange County (did I mention the God awful drive from LA down the 5 freeway? Not the most scenic of drives), I am impressed with how much is invested in this project and encouraged to continue down this road.
However, on the Saturday they are holding "American Idol" type auditions, again down in Anaheim, I am feeling less than inspired to get dolled up, drive down there and go through the process of getting a number and doing my thing in front of a panel of 'judges'. But I do it, and am glad for it. I get this 'golden ticket' to the next round (essentially what we call a 'callback' in the 'biz') and this job and opportunity becomes a little more real.
After re-scheduling my second audition due to work and travel conflicts (which is a whole other story!) I finally get back down to the studio for my next 'test' on a Thursday in February. This time around I felt more comfortable, a little more nervous, as now I am seeing the potential of a fabulous new job, and at the same time, a little more confident. Quite a conflict of emotions to experience all at once!
To make a long story short (at least shorter), I am back down at the Orange County Register building four days later being offered a job. Holy shit. I don't believe it. Two weeks later, I am back at that building with a desk and a computer on my first day.
I am now the host of an exciting new daily new magazine style internet show for Orange County called THE JUICE.
It is something I have always wanted to do. Although my passion and love for dance and fitness will never die, I feel it was time to move on to something new and fresh and challenging. Just another chapter in the book of life.
So far, this job has been amazing. A lot of work, as I am not only hosting this show, but helping produce and write the show as well. Yes, I now go into an office every day (no more working from home til noon in my pj's!) But it is a trip I look forward to . . . every day is different and I am learning so much. And certainly, as with anything their have been challenges . . . I currently am looking for a home here where I am comfortable and feel part of the community (preferably within sight of the amazing beaches down here!) and living out of suitcases between here and LA in temporary housing. I can't find half of the things I own amongst the clutter and chaos of the new microcosm that has formed in my automobile.
But the opportunities to get out there and enjoy my life are amazing. I have been to the theater twice in the past month, discovered my favorite raw food restaurant and chef down here, met some really great people that I believe will become life long friends, and feel supported in a job that lifts me up every day. THAT is amazing.
Not to worry, however. Somehow amidst all this change and craziness, I am still shooting yet another DVD in about a week! It will be a Latin Dance workout for CRUNCH to hit shelves in the fall.
Sadly, my own projects have been put on hold, and not for a lack of desire or commitment (lack of time, maybe ... but not even that so much!)
The concept of my new fitness and health company is still in incubation and brewing, but maybe just simmering on the back burner for now. I hope to continue to inspire and motivate you, but now, in a different way! Starting April 28th, you'll be able to catch me EVERY DAY on the internet at and although the content will not be what you are used to, I hope will find it entertaining and fun. I do!
Thank you all for your support and I'll continue blogging on this site (and listing great NEW MUSIC!) as time permits, but also on the new JUICE site. So check it out when you have some time this summer and you'll be able to see what I am up to.
Thank you all so much for your support and positive energy. I truly believe that I didn't make this job happen by myself. All of your help and encouragement along my journey made this possible. It's a testament to how powerful our thoughts can be and how your life can change when you least expect it in amazing ways.
Here's to the journey . . .


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jennifer! I look forward to checking out the site and seeing what you are up to. I enjoy your blogs.

Kevin said...

Hi Jennifer,

It was great to see you at Yoga ! I know your move will be a good one !
See you around,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'm very happy for you and can't wait to check out your new show! Best wishes for you in your new chapter. :)

Tina :)

Anonymous said...

This is the great news we've been waiting for!! So glad you have been given the chance to renew your spirit. Hooray!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

I bought your hip hop party dvd and I LOVE IT. It is fun, and I am not counting down the clock when I do it. I have a lot to loose, about 50-60lbs, to get my pre-pregnancy body. I am going to look into getting all of your DVD's. Thanks for making a great video. Congratulations on you newest gig : )

Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer.

I bought your DVD (10 Minute Solution - Tone) back in January 2008 and, while also changing my eating habits, have lost a total of 79 lbs. I loved it sooo much I bought the second 10 Minute Solution DVD you did. I now do one per night 7 days a week and feel and look great. You make working out fun.

Thanks sooo much.

Anonymous said...

Way to go girl, I only became familiar with you and your work in January 2008, when I purchased one of your videos, I loved it so much I ordered the other two. I am 56 years old, a mother of seven children, and a fourth grade teacher. I made you the focus of my resurgence to find my old fit self, AND I DID, I have lost the 25 extra pounds I have been carrying around for 20 years, and hope to lose the last 20. You have inspired me, and made me feel like I was working out with friends and laughing and dancing three days aweek now for 6 months. Thanks so much for your perfectly designed fun workouts, they motivated me! Sydney

Anonymous said...

Dear Jen
I've recently noticed how much leaner and sculpted you look on FIT TV. Your midriff especially is a lot smaller than when you worked on your Ballet Strength video. I too am petite and would so appreciate you sharing your techniques for this change.