Thursday, April 09, 2009

FINALLY! Fit In Your Jeans By Friday!

No, it’s not the title of my latest fad diet (because I am SUCH a big fan of those, right?!?) But it is the title of Kim Kardashian’s latest series of workout DVD’s and I have to say I am a fan. First, because I created the routines for two of the three workouts, and second because I am on camera with Kim, leading her and you through the upper body and lower body strength and toning DVD’s. It was a lot of work, but Kim and I had so much fun and I am really proud of the product we developed together.
It was very important to me to create a series that would not be perceived as just another ‘fluff’ product endorsed by a celebrity to make money. So I went full steam ahead with Kim and she took it on like a champ. I have to say, the girl works hard. She was always asking for more training time and more rehearsals. I was very impressed by her drive and motivation and really put her all into this project.
For you, fitness enthusiasts, that means you get a REAL workout. One that will challenge you and deliver results. I think this is the first time many of you will see me in a more straight up fitness title, as opposed to dance. Although I may not be shaking my hips as much, Kim and I have a really great rapport and I think that will show in the DVD’s. So I hope you enjoy working out with us as much fun as we had making it. Although, we DID miss Super Bowl Sunday, we both feel it was worth it.
The DVD’s are also much more stylized than all of my other workouts which is really fun to see. Wait until you see the set, the colors and the FASHION. Although, ultimately, it is about the workout, this series provides a totally different feel than all my others and personally, I LOVED IT! I just think they look beautiful. More like these to come . . .

I was just with Kim here in NYC yesterday and I think the greatest reward for me is seeing her confidence grow. She told me she feels such a difference when she is working out. We didn’t CHANGE her beautiful curves and shape for which she is so well known. She is still Kim. But she stands a little taller and feels a lot stronger, poised for anything. Knowing that I helped her kick start a new habit and new way of life is something I hope to be able to do with you, and everyone who has the desire to commit to themselves and their health.

To get a behind the scenes look at our shoot, click here! And you can BUY the DVD’s exclusively on line here.


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to these, but I'm 7 months pregnant and I supposed I'll have to wait until I'm post partum!

Anonymous said...

what kind if weights are used in these videos?

Jennifer said...

Light hand weights would be fine . . . but you don't even necessarily need them.
Hope you enjoy the workouts!