Wednesday, March 04, 2009


I know I recently wrote a post regarding my amazing weekend in NYC at ECA. And it may seem to0 early for another one, but I feel so compelled by the article at which I am staring right now, that I had to get this out! I am disgusted, shocked and angered by a recent issue of the member only publication "Costco Connection" So your first question may be: "Jennifer reads magazines from Costco?" And rightly so. Not really. Actually, I believe Costco might contribute to our culture's demise. I certainly do not promote the processed and packaged foods that line the shelves and aisles of most grocery stores, much less in bulk form. Regardless, it happened to come to my apartment here in NYC addressed to my grandmother. And although my first impulse was to throw it out, I figured I would peruse it to see what America is reading. Or more appropriately, what Costco is pushing.

Originally, I was disgusted at the cover celebrating "The People's Court", Costco's food court. It illustrates many happy people, young and old, eating pizza, Coke, hot dogs and Polish sausage and praising it's "25 years of serving up value." How about 25 years of serving up heart attacks, fat, processed food and an overdose of sodium? I think that would have been a better tag-line. And I am well aware of the state of our economy, however, eating cheap processed foods does not equal value. It is a recipe for sky rocketing health costs, hospital stays and an increasing amount of people becoming overweight, unhealthy and depressed.

However, I am very cognizant of how big industry works with millions of dollars in advertising spent to ensure people spend money at their store, with a blatant disregard for our society's health, wellness and overall happiness. So while I am disgusted, I am not shocked.

What I found on page 49 of this issue however, did absolutely appal, shock and infuriate me. Jorge Cruise, a proclaimed "internationally acclaimed health expert" wrote an article called "Shrinking Those Waists" about his new report/book, "The Belly Fat Cure". In it, he promotes his theory, the "S/C Value," which he claims is the key to eating smarter instantly and start losing belly fat by ensuring you get the right amount of sugar and carbs. Ok, I'm having trouble even knowing where to start here . . . let me begin by quoting one of Jorge's 'success' stories. "The best thing is . . . I got to eat things I never though I could eat, like chocolate, Doritos and ice cream." WOW. That sounds like the epitome of a healthy person, doesn't it? Yes, Karen's waistline may have shrunk, but at what cost? Can you tell me what about Doritos and ice cream resembles good health? And balance and nutrients? BUT she DID follow Jorge's wonderful "S/C Value" which aims for no more than 15 grams of sugar and six servings of carbohydrates each day.

Well, I don't know Jorge. I have a steaming bowl of oatmeal or barley with stewed figs or prunes, ginger, cinnamon and almond slices, plus agave nectar every day, and my belly is pretty darn flat. (I think I am already over double your daily recommended intake of carbs and sugar!!!) But I know what is in my food and where it comes from . . . there are no hidden ingredients. It is a whole meal complete with loads of cancer preventing fiber, and natural, digestible sugars. And it sustains me well into the mid afternoon. I don't snack. I am full and satisfied. And I eat it because it is what MY body needs.

What really angers and astounds me are Jorge's answers to the questions posted. When one person inquired about carbohydrate portions, Jorge replies:

Using the S/C Value, one serving of carbs is anything that has 5 to 20 grams of carbohydrates. One of my favorite examples is 27 Cheez-Its; with just 17 grams of carbs, this snack counts as a 1 on the S/C Value. The added bonus is that Cheez-Its don't have any sugar, so their S/C Value is 0/1.

Again, words can not describe how upsetting this is to me. Millions of people look to Jorge for health and wellness expertise and he is serving up this?!? In another question he disses bananas. In a nutshell, Jorge would rather you eat CHEEZ-ITS than a banana because of their "S/C Value". Do me a favor. Go read the ingredients on a box of Cheez-Its and compare it to the ingredients of a banana. And then tell me, honestly, what does your body intuitively decide is better nourishment? Last time I checked, there were no CHEEZ-IT trees or bushes in my back yard. Not to mention the suggestion that people now have to count how many Cheez-Its they are eating. A sure way for people to begin obsessive calorie counting and mind games when it comes to eating. Trust me, I've been there. And how many people do you know stop at a mere 27 Cheez-Its? Those snacks are filled with ingredients that induce addictive eating.

Then comes my favorite part. In the last question on the page, a reader requests a sample breakfast for "The Belly Fat Cure". Here is Jorge's recommendation:

A quick and easy breakfast on The Belly Fat Cure is two Eggo waffles with butter, two to three scrambled eggs (depending on how hungry you are) with salt and pepper, and one Morningstar Farms sausage patty. This whole breakfast has just a 2/2 S/C Value. Or you could add one more sausage patty and skip the waffles and your entire breakfast would have a 0/1 S/C value.

Excuse me, I have to pick up my jaw off the floor. I wonder how much money Jorge has been paid to mention Eggo and Morningstar Farms in his recommendation? This disgusts and truly incites me. I don't have to read the label of these products to know the nutritional value of these foods (aside from the eggs . . . which I'm surprised he didn't throw out some brand name) is pretty much zilch. Very little fiber. Very processed. And very wrong. If time and convenience are his motivation, I bet I could whip up a healthier, more nutritious and satisfying meal faster than you can say "Leggo my Ego."

Here is the worst part. After reading this article, I of course went to Jorge's website where I discovered a picture of him and a smiling Dr. Oz, Jorge's mentor. I am ashamed that Jorge insinuates that someone as well renowned and admired in the field of health and wellness as Dr. Oz endorses his philosophy and recommendations. And nor am I exactly thrilled that Dr. Oz would support Jorge's efforts if he recommends foods such as the items mentioned above.

If this is what the health and wellness industry has become, we are in trouble and have a long, hard fight ahead of us. It's time for these so called 'experts' to stop lying to people and promoting absurd quick schemes for weight loss just to make a buck. As fitness professionals, health and wellness consultants, and leaders in our industry, it is our duty to guide people inward to re-discover their intuitive sense of eating. To encourage them to take responsibility for their own health and happiness rather than relying on one size-fits-all plans to reduce a number on a scale. To inspire them to live up to the amazing potential each and every one of us has inside. Only then will we have a happier, healthier and more loving world.


Anonymous said...

Good heavens! I can't believe what I read. So appalling. I'm glad you're the voice of healthy reason!!! What an unbelievable publication.


Jane is a gypsy said...

Get em, girl!!
I love how on his website he refers to chocolate, ice cream, and pizza as "sugar/carb approved foods" and then proceeds to post "Stop feeling tired and unhealthy" on the Success Stories page. Those exact foods are the reason SOOO many Americans feel tired and unhealthy.
Thanks for the info!

KHoar said...

Jen, you are so right on with everything. My son's fave movie right now is Wall-E, where the society of the future eats "food in a cup"....we're almost there now! The restaurant we run focuses on (albeit very decadently prepared) fresh, seasonal ingredients produced *literally* down the street. We live in the market basket of producers for DC and Baltimore restaurants and are totally spoiled when it comes to that. The average consumer has no idea what they put in their mouths; they are taught to focus on calories, carbs, and forget they could be eating corrugated cardboard so long as it meets the parameters set by some trendy diet fad. Chefs at the heart of this consciousness are somehow not as promote-able as, say, Rachel Ray on EVERY box of Nabisco crap you see. Disgusting in every sense.....too bad we can't unleash our campaign on the world on that scale! Oh well, gotta win them over one at a time, i guess. Hope your studies are fascinating and fulfilling....can't wait to read the updates!

Anonymous said...

I usually stick with the motto that if it is too easy/good to be true, it probably isn't!

Alani said...

I always ask myself: Was this here in the days of Moses? If Moses ate an Oreo then so will I.
But the fact remains, most of the "foods" out there were never around way back when... so why not go back to basics?

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your blog posts, Jen. The fact that there are publications and "diet" plans like the one you posted should highlight the fact that we need more people like YOU to get the good, true word out! You can start by posting your breakfast oatmeal recipe.

I had fun listening to your interview with Dr. Fitness & the Fat Guy on a walk yesterday morning. Keep us posted on your independent production!

Anonymous said...

It's funny you wrote about Jennifer posting her oatmeal recipe, Marina, since I saw sliced almonds at the store the other day and thought I could use some now for my oatment breakfasts each day.

See how you affect people, Jennifer?


Anonymous said...

This is all so true. I'm glad someone with a voice is speaking out. No wonder there is such a rise in diseases these days.

You are my inspiration, Jennifer!! I love you! I always get your DVDs for my friends who want to shape up (:

Jennifer said...

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this post and all your supportive feedback!
Let's keep the dialouge going and stay on our path of health and vibrance through REAL food that feeds our hearts and nourishes our soul!

So, you asked for the OATMEAL recipe?
Here it is!

4-5 Stewed Prunes, Figs or Dates
1/2 cup oatmeal
Agave Nectar/Honey
Handful sliced blanched almonds
Dash salt, if desired

I make a big batch of stewed prunes/figs ahead of time and keep them in the fridge to have all week.
Here's how you do it:

Place figs/prunes/dates in pot and cover with water. Add fresh sliced ginger and bring to a boil.
Let simmer for about 20-25 minutes until fruit is 'soft' and there is a 'broth' from the juices. Feel free to add some lemon zest, orange slices, etc. as well. I also like to add cinnamon as they are stewing as well.

For the oatmeal, prepare according to package. (You don't want instant oatmeal. You can use steel cut or quick oats)
Usually it is 1 cup water per each 1/2 cup of oats.
I pour the water over the oats add a pinch salt and, again, add cinnamon (I LOVE IT!) and let soak for about 15 minutes.
Bring water to a boil.
Simmer oats for about 4 minutes, stirring frequently.
Add some of the stewed fruit (I also add cranberries at this step sometimes as well!) with ginger and the juice and simmer for about another 2 minutes.
Turn off heat and let stand for about a minute.
Serve it up in a pretty bowl and drizzle with agave nectar or sweetener of your choice and top with blanched almond slivers. Polish off with another dash of cinnamon.
MMMM . . . It makes me hungry just thinking about it!

Jennifer said...

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this post and all your supportive feedback!
Let's keep the dialouge going and stay on our path of health and vibrance through REAL food that feeds our hearts and nourishes our soul!

So, you asked for the OATMEAL recipe?
Here it is!

4-5 Stewed Prunes, Figs or Dates
1/2 cup oatmeal
Agave Nectar/Honey
Handful sliced blanched almonds
Dash salt, if desired

I make a big batch of stewed prunes/figs ahead of time and keep them in the fridge to have all week.
Here's how you do it:

Place figs/prunes/dates in pot and cover with water. Add fresh sliced ginger and bring to a boil.
Let simmer for about 20-25 minutes until fruit is 'soft' and there is a 'broth' from the juices. Feel free to add some lemon zest, orange slices, etc. as well. I also like to add cinnamon as they are stewing as well.

For the oatmeal, prepare according to package. (You don't want instant oatmeal. You can use steel cut or quick oats)
Usually it is 1 cup water per each 1/2 cup of oats.
I pour the water over the oats add a pinch salt and, again, add cinnamon (I LOVE IT!) and let soak for about 15 minutes.
Bring water to a boil.
Simmer oats for about 4 minutes, stirring frequently.
Add some of the stewed fruit (I also add cranberries at this step sometimes as well!) with ginger and the juice and simmer for about another 2 minutes.
Turn off heat and let stand for about a minute.
Serve it up in a pretty bowl and drizzle with agave nectar or sweetener of your choice and top with blanched almond slivers. Polish off with another dash of cinnamon.
MMMM . . . It makes me hungry just thinking about it!

Jennifer said...

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this post and all your supportive feedback!
Let's keep the dialouge going and stay on our path of health and vibrance through REAL food that feeds our hearts and nourishes our soul!

So, you asked for the OATMEAL recipe?
Here it is!

4-5 Stewed Prunes, Figs or Dates
1/2 cup oatmeal
Agave Nectar/Honey
Handful sliced blanched almonds
Dash salt, if desired

I make a big batch of stewed prunes/figs ahead of time and keep them in the fridge to have all week.
Here's how you do it:

Place figs/prunes/dates in pot and cover with water. Add fresh sliced ginger and bring to a boil.
Let simmer for about 20-25 minutes until fruit is 'soft' and there is a 'broth' from the juices. Feel free to add some lemon zest, orange slices, etc. as well. I also like to add cinnamon as they are stewing as well.

For the oatmeal, prepare according to package. (You don't want instant oatmeal. You can use steel cut or quick oats)
Usually it is 1 cup water per each 1/2 cup of oats.
I pour the water over the oats add a pinch salt and, again, add cinnamon (I LOVE IT!) and let soak for about 15 minutes.
Bring water to a boil.
Simmer oats for about 4 minutes, stirring frequently.
Add some of the stewed fruit (I also add cranberries at this step sometimes as well!) with ginger and the juice and simmer for about another 2 minutes.
Turn off heat and let stand for about a minute.
Serve it up in a pretty bowl and drizzle with agave nectar or sweetener of your choice and top with blanched almond slivers. Polish off with another dash of cinnamon.
MMMM . . . It makes me hungry just thinking about it!

Anonymous said...

Cool, thanks! I'll try it this weekend.


Anonymous said...

That is astounding! WOAH.. How could Dr. Oz be supporting this so called "diet". I am so happy there are people like you out there saying the truth and helping us with our fitness/health. Thanks Jennifer!

Julie said...

I just read this article in the NY Times today which will floor you regarding Dr. Oz'a affiliations.

tbparker said...

It’s sad, but not necessarily surprising. Three things come to mind in relation to such an irresponsible and deleterious diet, Dr. Oz's counterintuitive relationship with Real Age and Americans health in general.

The focus on belly fat and on weight loss by both pharmaceutical companies and the health industry has led to a tsunami of advertising that has powerfully contributed to a – loose weight at all consequences – mindset. As many doctors, including Dr. Andrew Weil (who in my opinion should be considered Americas Doctor, if anyone) have demonstrated, to be heart healthy and in good health in general, one doesn’t have to fit the body image promoted so relentlessly by these industries. No doubt obesity is an enormous problem in this country and contributes in major ways to serious health risks and problems, but promoting loosing weight at all costs, which is what this diet is, is a mistake and Dr. Oz should know better.

We have a backwards health care system in this country that wastes trillions of dollars and millions of lives by not focusing on preventative and primary health care concerns. This kind of perverse system serves the pharmaceutical companies very well by encouraging doctors to prescribe medications to patients who's conditions should never have progressed as far as they have. Direct advertising to consumers by pharmaceutical companies, especially on television, (which should be banned), puts pressure on doctors by patients to prescribe many medications. Pharmaceutical companies also greatly profit by surgery that could have been avoided with good primary care. Postoperative patients are often put on an enormous cocktail of expensive medications, many of which they'll take for life.

I’m sure Dr. Oz believes he’s severing the greater good by getting people to engage, perhaps for the first time, in a dialogue about their health and health in general. The only problem is the same problem all websites have, and that is how to generate profits. When the pharmaceutical companies see a website with such an enormous database and one that can be almost surgically divided (pun intended) into demographically advantageous categories, the desire for that kind of information is irresistible to them, and the profits they can generate, is at the same time irresistible to Real Age. Dr. Oz can justify this Faustian bargin by believing that the more revenue this website generates, the more reach they have and the more potential good they can do. At the very least, it’s a bit disingenuous.

Until Americans health is directly addressed in our educational system in a way that address’s both diet and exercise, and a comprehensive curriculum is established starting in grade school, if not earlier, the near plague of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, to name only a few major ailments, will continue. The responsibility to pass on good health is that of parents, but most of them weren’t well educated in this area, so the cycle has to be broken with this young generation starting in school. The investment of time and money right now will save America trillions of dollars in unnecessary spending in the very foreseeable future and dramatically improve everyone’s health.

Anonymous said...

I laughed at the "Cheez-its" instead of banana thing b/c a friend of mine who has always struggled with her weight/eating was talking about GI.
She told me that many experts say not to give children fruit as it will make them hungry later & they'll over eat.
What made it funny was that I've seen this woman feed her less than 2 year old FIG NEWTONS!
I ate tons of fruit as a kid and I was a stick! My mother had to force me to eat

Unknown said...

So, I was a chump and fell for his on-line "coaching" with the belly fat diet. He charged participants $400 for a twelve week course and a guarantee of losing 4-9 lbs/week. Total scam. My requests for a refund have gone unanswered and I had less then a week to get a refund, which, of course, I didn't read until too late. This program is ridiculous.

Jennifer said...

Ugh . . . so sorry Mary!
You can check out my new blog site at for healthy new recipes all the time . . . and they're FREE! :)
Best of everything to you!

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