Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yes, It HAS Been A While

Hello everyone! I do understand April was the last time I entered a blog. Things have been a little nutty to say the least. I have moved my life, shifted my focus and embarked on a new career path, all in six months! I have been blessed with many amazing experiences. Everything from the theater to five star restaurants, horse placenta facials to weekends in Palm Springs. It's been a whirlwind. If you haven't checked out the site for my latest show, the JUICE make sure you go to http://www.ocregister.com/juice. I am no longer on every day, but you should see me pop up every now and again.

Yesterday for the show, I found myself sitting in front of two psychics. Normally this is not something I would seek out. But for the show, why not, right? I wrote a blog for the show and thought it might be relevant to share it here.
So here it is! Enjoy.

Spooky Psychics

October 21st, 2008, 1:36 pm · Post a Comment · posted by juicegirl

I’ve never been much of a Halloween girl but I recently caught the spirit, no pun intended, when I read an article this month on Orange County’s hottest psychics. Maybe there is something to this haunting holiday? So I decided to get ’spooked’ by the listed clairvoyants, spiritual counselors, and others who can ’see things’ I don’t. Up until now, I’ve resisted the tempation to wander into those storefronts with crystal balls and purple lights. I am a big believer in faith and fate and tuning into my own higher power to guide me. But I couldn’t resist when I was approached to do a piece for the JUICE. My curiosity got the better of me. Cat be darned.

My first stop was Camille and as I sat in the very intimate setting of her home, I admit I was nervous. There are some things you just don’t want to know. Camille possessed a very caring, gentle spirit which put me at ease, but as you’ll see on the JUICE, I definitely get a little flushed and anxious. She focused mostly on my career, and what she had to say definitely got me excited about the possibilities in front of me. After I recovered and my body temperature returned to normal, I was off to see Tara.

At first sight, Tara seemed like a cute young woman. I didn’t get as nervous around her that may have been due to the fact that we sat in a more open setting in the middle of the Crystal Cave in Costa Mesa. She was much more matter of fact about things . . . giving me very specific names (Robert? Dan? Chris? Are you out there?) and how they would play a part in my life. Tara also delved into my romantic life which was interesting. Of course, I had to ask the big one. “When will I get married?” Oddly enough, she confirmed the date, at lease the same month and year, that, oddly enough, I said to my hair stylist the weekend before.
And I don’t even have a boyfriend! I’m working backwards! The strangest fact she told me was that at some point, I would be doing an interview with Mike Meyers!

Walking away from the day I felt a little high on all the possibilities for my ongoing life journey. It was very cool to have these talented and spiritually connected ladies tell me things about myself, some of which I knew, others, offered perspective. But, I don’t necessarily think we need psychics to help us “see” our future. We all have the ability to tap into a power higher than ourselves to create our lives. They say life is a stage. Let’s not forget our actions, our words, our affirmations and our beliefs all play a part in our story.

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