Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Food and Health and Being a SKINNY BITCH!

It's been bombarding me lately. All the talk, news, buzz about ORGANIC. So I saw it as a sign to blog about it.
How important is it really?  I'll tell you what.  Pick up a copy of the SKINNY BITCH book by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin and you'll never want to touch anything that could remotely be considered an animal or a by-product of an animal again.  That includes DAIRY people.  And eggs.  And fish.  Of course I really got going on the book right after my egg white fritatta yesterday and a trip to Maui in which I consumed enough fish to feed a small family.  Hey, when in Rome!
Anyway, back to the book.  I've heard about it for a long time and even met the authors to discuss their upcoming fitness DVD's by the same title.  But oddly enough, never read it.  It happened to be sitting on my friend's shelf, calling my name the night prior to my departure to paradise.  Looked like an easy read which is EXACTLY what you want on a vacation to Hawaii, right?
In a nutshell, they support everything I've said for the past two years or so.   Plant based diets are best.  However, they go into much more graphic detail about the meat and poultry industry that I can't even begin to discuss here.  READ IT.  It will blow your mind and keep you as far away from that section of the grocery store as you can possibly be.  Granted, I didn't follow up on their accounts and sources, but just the idea of the possibility of what goes on in the ranching and farming industries, and to what extent our government goes to protect corporate interests at the expense of OUR HEALTH disgusts me. I've been bitching about it recently as well ... somehow I am paying an arm and a leg for health insurance which won't cover the doctors I see to prevent me from getting sick (i.e. holistic health practitioners like chiropractors, herbalists, meditation healers, etc.) but supports a health care system that thrives on keeping people sick and then prescribing drugs to help them 'get better'.  Bullshit.  I haven't been sick in about six years (aside from a nasty 24 hour stomach flu here and there) and that's because I spend the money to take care of myself.  Someone reimburse me for that.  Not likely. 
Ok, so I've gone off on a total tangent.  But it's all related.  Diet and disease.  It is not rocket science.  You know what is good for you and what isn't.  I've been saying this for years, and Rory and Kim will back me up.  READ YOUR FOOD LABELS!!!!  Do you know what hell "sodium acetate, red 40 or disodium inosinate" is?  My spell check doesn't even recognize these words.  Yet they are just three of the unfathomable ingredients in Doritos Cool Ranch "100 Calorie" mini bites.  Ah yes, shit food posing as 'diet food'.  Because, somehow, if it's smaller and in a little package, it's better for you.  These people are smoking crack.
Sorry for the somewhat 'strong' language here.  Not my usual tone, I know. But sometimes, it's the only way to go.  And Rory and Kim will set your ass straight in the same way.  Straightforward, direct, no b.s.  I'm all about it. 
And click here for another great article on the home page of the New York Times today in the Health section.  People so often confuse organic with vegetarian or vegan.  NOT the same.  Organic is a term reserved for HOW food is produced or grown: without pesticides, toxins, or hormones. (that's the short version of the definition!) Whereas vegan or vegetarian refers to WHAT food is or made with.  Basically a plant based diet.  My favorite quote from the article is this one: "If you don't eat meat at every meal, if meat becomes more of a side dish than a centerpiece, you can fill the plate with healthy organic food for about the same price." Which debunks the myth that organic always means more money.  NOT TRUE
My recommendations?  Read all you can about nutrition and health and decide for yourself.  Do you REALLY want to get healthy?  Do you REALLY want to have more energy and as Rory and Kim so fabulously put it, become a "Skinny Bitch"?!?  Then toughen up and take the steps necessary to put you on that path.  I'm not saying you have to go drastic.  Start making small changes. Email me with any questions you may have.  It's not about saying 'NO' to food.   It's about saying 'YES' to a healthy, vibrant and happy life. Love, Live and Laugh.


Anonymous said...

I love your DVD's and your workouts on fittv. It makes my workout fun! I'm not happy with my weight. How do you keep motivated? I always want to workout with a buddy, but everyone lives an hour away. I guess I do not have very much self motivation right now and I want it. I have always been active- dance, gymnastics, softball... but I'm not as active and gaining unwanted weight. I really want to get back into shape to make myself happy. Any suggestions?

Traci said...

Oh, I couldn't agree with your article more Jennifer. (This is Traci, your ballet strength workout addict!) I have been staying away from meat for almost a year now, and I can tell such a difference in my health. I'm rarely sick, whereas my husband who eats meat everyday just got over a 3 week cold. I buy organic whenever it's available. I have 3 young kids, and my food priorities are 1) no artificial ingredients 2) organic 3) local. If it has dyes, preservatives, etcetera then I'm out. My kids are happier, healthier and more energetic than ever. It took them a while, but now they're used to only eating the good stuff.

I'll have to pickup this book. I've saw a few other blogs about it, but I've never actually read it. It sounds like something I would love! Thanks for posting it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the push! Someone else just mentioned the book to me yesterday, and now, seeing your thoughts, I am SO curious!


Anonymous said...

HI, Jennifer. My name is Agnieszka and I am 28. I am a mother of two boys. I just got one of your DVD's. Dance Mix. It is just great., I would like to say thank you for You. And for your devotions for people like me, trying to lose the weight. I cannot afford time and money to go and join the gym, even if I would love to. With two little boys it is a little hard. Thanks to you i see the difference in my body. I actually start to lose some weight. It was hard for me. Your workouts are easy to follow. I did lost some weight after two years of trying dieting. Diet did not help but your workout did. Once again Thank you so, so much. Agnieszka.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that, while I love your workout DVD's I'm a little concerned to find out that you are an advocate for Skinny Bitch.
I don't have a problem with choosing a vegan lifestyle as I am an advocate for animal rights, but I think much of what the writers say in Skinny Bitch is irresponsible especially nasty little quips such as "Stop being a fat pig."
They sound like the voice anorexics have inside their heads.
I have a lot of respect for you, Jennifer, and I really considered you above the writers of Skinny Bitch

Jennifer said...

Thank you all for your feedback on this blog. I appreciate it. And I completely understand your perspective on the Skinny Bitch book. Every one needs to hear things differently. For me, if the ideas in Skinny Bitch resonate with a select group of people by using that tone, that's ok with me. You are right, it is not necessarily the language that I myself would encourage. But it has opened thousands of eyes to a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle and helped many feel better about themselves. Ultimately, we take what works for us as individuals and throw the rest out. I do not consider myself above anyone, nor they, me. I hope you understand my position as well. There are so many perspectives out there and I truly believe we can learn from all of them. I do have other books I can recommend with the same message but different tone. If you are interested, please email me at jbg@jennifergalardi.com and I can offer wonderful alternatives.

As always, with love and light.