Tuesday, January 06, 2009

2009 and Resolutions

I write this first blog of the New Year from my very own bed! I am so excited to say that, as I haven't been in my own bed in two months. I have been living out of suitcases for weeks now and it was fun. But finally, I have a place to be with my furniture, my kitchen stuff, my clothes. It may not be my home, but it is a temporary place for me to hang my hat that feels settled and comfortable, and for that, I am so grateful. (Thank you, Cory!)
It gives me a sense of peace and stability from which I am better able to write, work and move forward in achieving my goals. Speaking of goals, why is it we only resolve to become better, achieve more, change bad habits, DO more at the beginning of a new year? SO much pressure. So this year, I am resolving to DO less. But accomplish more. Stop spending so much time surfing the Internet unless I am specifically searching for something or paying bills. Start hanging out on my bed more and writing, whether it be for my blog or in my journal, or reading. Stop wasting so much time and energy thinking about how many calories I ate and what I am going to have for dinner and start focusing on how I can help others or spend more time sharing, relaxing and laughing with good friends.
Granted, I will be pretty busy for the foreseeable future, but if I can better identify my time suckers and manage them, I can better get everything accomplished that I set out to do for 2009 while still 'doing' less.
I will be going back to school to get a degree in Integrative Nutrition and Holistic Wellness in New York City. I look forward to being back on the east coast for a few months and re-connecting with old friends. I look forward to sharing the knowledge I gain there with all of you to assist you in reaching your health and lifestyle goals.
And since everyone knows that no one ever seems to make good on their 'New Year Resolution', if I don't end up doing less, no big deal, right? Take the pressure of yourself. Set goals and re-assess as needed. And know if you don't attain the lofty resolution you decided to try at 11:37pm on December 31st, 2007, you can always set more attainable goals for yourself at any date. Why not your birthday? Or next Tuesday? Or possibly March 4th? It doesn't matter. You have a chance to re-invent, re-create, or re-define yourself every day you wake up.


Anonymous said...

Nice! Yes, please pass on what you learn in school. I enjoy listening to you & working out "with" you. Thanks for the encouragement with re-inventing, re-creating and re-defining ourselves. Good advice. Happy New Year!


davehearn said...

Good luck "doing" less. My resolution?

Do more and accomplish less. I feel that it's proper to maintain attainable goals:)


Anonymous said...

hey Jennifer! I love your Dance It Off video! Although I'm a beginner so I'm pretty clumsy at it at times..it's still a lot of fun! Good goals by the way! Everyone should strive to think of themselves less and others more. :) Keep up the good work!

Ivel, Ky