Saturday, January 17, 2009

Embarking On a New Adventure

Well, here I am in NYC, freezing my you-know -what off for my first weekend of schooling at the Institute For Integrative Nutrition. Back in school. Wow. I am excited to learn more about a topic which, as you can imagine, I am already very passionate about. I am not sure if it will feed or help alleviate the neurosis. I am hoping the latter! It is time for everyone, myself included, to have a healthy relationship with food and allow it to enhance, as opposed to rule, or lives.
We seek out healthy relationships everywhere else and work SO hard to maintain and strive for balance in our relationships with our friends, loved ones, spouses, family, money . . . why not food?
What we choose to put in our mouths and consequently our body, our vital organs, the very system that keeps us alive and kicking, can NOT be underestimated. Our society has been brainwashed by the government and it’s unabashed support of poor health habits. If you haven’t already seen it, just take a look at this advertisement for high fructose corn syrup.

SERIOUSLY!?!? I saw this on TV and my jaw dropped to the floor. I could not believe they allowed this on the air. The problem is this: PEOPLE WILL BELIEVE THIS CRAP! It’s hard for me to fathom. If you want to see some of the FACTS about this genetically modified ingredient, watch this one.
This is just one example (and to me the most blatant disregard for public health to date) of how agriculture companies are willing to sacrifice our nation’s health and well being for a buck. And the government supports and subsidizes the very industries that produce this crap. Very scary.
It’s really time to wake up. Intuitively, we all know what to feed ourselves. What sustains and vitalizes us. Let’s get clear about what is propaganda and what is truly good for us. Listen to your intuition.
No, I will not tell you the ‘new and improved’ Lucky Charms cereal is good for you because it is now made with “whole grains”. No, I will not agree with you that high fructose corn syrup, like other sugars, is ‘fine in moderation’. You know better than that.
As I continue to learn and grow throughout my course, you will probably find more and more of my blogs related to food and nutrition. I am excited to add this component to my areas of expertise and look forward to sharing all of my knowledge and revelations with you!
Here’s to a happy, healthy and CLEAR new year!


Anonymous said...

I saw that ad myself. It's similar to back in the days of radio when they said that DOCTORS recommended certain brands of cigarettes because they were "safe". BAH!

I'd like this ad to define "in moderation".

Jennifer, I discovered your videos about a year ago and I have enjoyed working out to all of them. Keep it up! My name is Matt and I am in comedy. Part of my stand up routine is about health and fitness. If you want to see them, go to


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer!

I first want to comment on your work out videos, I absolutely adore them! I'm quite excited to hear about your two cents regarding food and nutrition because for years I have struggled maintaining a well-balanced diet. Also, I'm a current culinary/pastry arts student and my goal is to share with the world meals that are nutritious without taking away from any flavor. My current recipe experiments are involving reduced sodium and sugar meals and pastries. Thank you for being such an inspiration and fitness role model!

Jessica said... name is Jessica and I started doin the 10 minute workouts and dieting about 2 months ago and have lost about 25 pounds....Have any of you tried a workout by Jennifer that toned your butt...Because I am afraid that I am going to lost my butt and I do not want to but I wouldn't mind toning it up....If any of you have advice for me please e-mail me at :-) I need to get ready for summer ha