Saturday, January 31, 2009

Preventing Cancer . . . and SNOPES!

So my aunt, always a diligent watchdog for health and research updates, recently sent me an email entitled "Cancer Update From John's Hopkins" with the following prelude: 


The email then goes on to list numerous statements regarding cancer cells, how they develop and thrive, and certain recommendations to minimize the risk of cancer.  Some of these are phenomenal.  Including the statement that cancer cells "thrive in an acidic environment" and my personal favorite:  

"Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit.  A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, unforgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment.  Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit.  Learn to relax and enjoy life."

I was SO impressed with the list, that I decided to see if it was all really to good to be true.  Was a highly respected medical institution, one that is regarded by the government as a leader in medical research and development really promoting a more holistic and preventative program for disease? 

Apparently not.  When I Googled "Cancer Update", a page from "Snopes" immediately popped up.  If you are unfamiliar with "" it is a site that debunks many of the myths that we often receive in those annoying emails that are forwarded to us by family, friends, and often enemies!  :)

"" did in fact categorize the email that perpetrated the John's Hopkins study as false.  (To see the email that is being forwarded, click here.)

What a shame.  Because it all makes so much sense.  Common sense.  Do I believe that if you follow all the recommendations on the list to a "T" that you are guaranteed to live cancer free? Absolutely not.  Do I agree that the statements on the list put you at a lower risk for contracting any sort of disease, virus, bacteria, etc. and in general will guide you toward leading a more fulfilling, healthy and vibrant life?  ABSOLUTELY. 

Unfortunately, people may go to Snopes, see this email listed as 'false' and completely discredit anything it supports.  Giving people another excuse to say "See. It doesn't matter what I eat, do or think. There is nothing I can do to prevent a life threatening disease such as Cancer."  and go off and enjoy a Big Mac, large fries and Coca-Cola.  

I hope that is not the case.  I hope that, regardless of the listing on 'Snopes' that people will read the email and say, "Yes, this all makes sense.  Naturally and intuitively".

I hope.  


Anonymous said...

Hi, I wondered if you had (sold) a dvd of your yoga/dance/pilates classes - similar to the one on FIT tv. I recently discovered you there and have become a big fan. Thanks. ps... Love your Blog as well! :)

Jennifer said...

Hi there! Thanks for writing! Unfortunately, as of now I do not have a DVD in this discipline out YET!!! I am hoping a basic yoga dvd will be out in the spring.
Check back on the site or email me at and I will keep you updated on all the news!
Thank you for your support and keep having fun!
Best In Health and Happiness,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer!

I'm so glad that you have this forum available so that I may share with you my gratitude!! I discovered you last Sunday on FIT TV and let me just say WOW!!!! You have been blasting through my living room every morning since then. I am happy to report that as of this morning, Saturday 2/28, I have lost 6 pounds by implementing your work out into my morning!! Thats almost a pound a day. I find your routine so amazing and it doesn't get easier every day as I continue to gain flexability and challenge myself. I find myself following your advice, that never happens in any classes for me, and actually FEElING results as I'm working out. As a former dancer, who is now an over weight stay at home mom, I find your work out to be therapy allowing me to get back to my dancer's roots. I'm down 40 pounds now and have 50 more to go and I intend to use your wonderful workout to aid in dropping that 50 quick! I hope that I can find you on All Star Workout again just to have another routine for a new total body work out. Thanks so much for changing my life and outlook on health in just 6 days!!! -Tera Norberg