Saturday, February 28, 2009

Greetings From the Big Apple!

Hello!  Well, here I am.  About two weeks into my new adventure back here on the East Coast. It feels so good to be close to wonderful friends and an amazing support system. As with most changes and transitions, there have been some rough spots.  First, it's cold. But honestly, the weather has not bothered me nearly as much as I thought that it would.  I have not been 'working' in the traditional sense as much as I was in January and the beginning of February, and I find that difficult.  I realize that much of my identity is centered around work and what I do. 
Which is why this past weekend was so inspiring and uplifting for me.  There is a fitness convention every year in NYC called ECA.  Many of my dear friends whom I have had the honor to dance and teach with were presenting this weekend.  It was so wonderful to re-connect with friends whom, even though I may not have seen them in years, understand the heart of who I am and my soul.  I love to dance.  And to find a space where I could express myself with movement and be TRULY AUTHENTIC.  Well, it's sheer bliss.  And priceless.  
There was so much love and joy in some of these rooms that it was palpable.  Yes, there was 'learning' going on, as many were there to pick up some new moves or memorize some new choreography, but there was also laughter, expression, freedom and healing going on.  Which differentiated the dance and movement style classes, I believe, from some of the other more 'traditional' fitness workshops that my friend attended.  She didn't seem to have the same sense of ecstatic-ness that I did coming out the door.  Of course we learned moves, many of which I am sure will find their way into my choreography, but we were also opening ourselves up to the world to say "Here I am and watch me move!"  Even if I don't get the steps.  I am WORKING IT OUT!  Which is why I LOVE this stuff.  I didn't care how many calories I was burning.  I didn't care how much exercise I was getting. I was in love with myself and my body for being able to express emotion through movement.  Joy, joy.  It made the small amount of pain after oh so worth it. 
I'd like to thank my wonderful friends and teachers Tony Stone, (Who by the way was nominated for 'Diva Of the Year'.  Work, my man!), Christiane Reiter (This was my first class with this dynamo dancer . . . thank you my love!) and Shaun T.  for helping me remember what it's all about and sharing your talents and love with myself and everyone in that room. 
And of course, I can not finish this blog without a big shout out of love and thanks to my soul sister, Misty.  One of the most beautiful souls I have ever met.  To move is to feel.  To feel is to heal and to heal is to love.
I encourage all of you to find your voice, your soul, your spirit through movement.  And you don't have to be a dance diva like Tony or infomercial superstar like Shaun T.  You just need to find a modality that will unlock all your creativity and passion that lies underneath.  It's there. Go find it!  And let it burst forth.  (I've suggested some new songs below . . . try them out and see how they move YOU!)

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