Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Changing the Face Of Medicine.

I've long been discouraged with conventional medicine and our health care system. To me, it's like driving an old, beat up car. You can only get so many 'tune-ups' or repairs and continue to drive it before it completely dies. And when you DO finally turn it in for a new vehicle, you realize the money you dumped into the repairs would have been better spent on a new car all together.
That's what our government keeps doing. Throwing money at temporary repairs to our healthcare system which feed the disease and create more problems in the long run. Doctors have no incentive to truly cure a patient when they get paid to throw drugs at every pain, ache and cough. It seems even doctors with national recognition, touted on Oprah and viewed by the general public as "America's Doctors", can succumb to the typical American 'sell out'. For example, Dr. Barry Sears. I am not saying his concepts and ideas aren't valid. They are. Admittedly, the man is a genius for crying out loud with a PhD and 13 U.S. Patents under his belt, not to mention he's one of the foremost researchers in the field of nutrition, diet and hormones . I heard him lecture this past Saturday at my nutrition school, and trust me, he knows what he's talking about. I don't argue that. Slient Inflammation. It's the underlying factor of every chronic disease including obesity, diabetes, cancer, and anything ending in '-itis'. His talk was informative and filled with facts. He prescribed food as a drug and his "Zone Diet" as the best prescription for an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. And I am all for it. Until I was in line at Whole Foods shortly after his lecture and decided to pick up a "Zone" bar. Wow. Three grams saturated fat (15% of the RDA). Eighteen grams of sugar and only two grams of fiber. With ingredients including fractionated palm kernal oil, glycerin (isn't that in my hand lotion?) and yes, fructose. Snickers makes a healthier bar with less calories and saturated fat and more fiber (The Snickers Marathon Bar, Dark Chocolate Crunch). I was hoping that somehow, the official Zone bars were not associated with Dr. Sears and his immensely popular diet. No such luck. They are sold on "Dr. Sears ZONE", the OFFICIAL Site of Dr. Barry Sears' Zone Diet." I hate that the most reputable doctors in the country are 'fooling' the country into thinking their products are healthy. And believe me, we're buying it.
I just don't get it. To me, it's disappointing. (In his defense, the Zone bars sold on Barry Sears' site seem to be different and a little bit better nutritionally than the Zone Perfect Bars you typcially see in the stores which look like this. I haven't been able to figure out if Sears is involved with the development of these bars made by, um, Abbott Labaratories.)
But my weekend was saved by two very inspiring and what I found to be, authentic doctors: Dr. David Katz and Dr. Mark Hyman. These men are single handedly changing the face of medicine and challenging conventional medical wisdom. And they are DOCTORS. They speak from a foundation of science backed with intensive research and studies. They are willing to uncover the scams and the lies that our government supports in the name of pharmaceutical dollars. I could go on forever about all the amazing things these two men are accomplishing, but for the most part I will direct you to their websites to learn more yourselves. Unfortunately, because they aren't selling bars, protein powders, knifes and kitchen utensils, you may not be as familiar with their names as Dr. Oz or Dr. Barry Sears.
And much of what they are saying is congruent with those more well known doctors. But their message is not tainted by commercialism or products contradictory to their messages. If anything, they give away their products and information for FREE!!!
For example, Dr. David Katz has created an amazing program for children called "Nutrition Detectives." The free DVD's (ok, fine you pay for shipping and handling, about $1) teach kids about how to make wise food choices and what real nutrition means. I ordered ten to give to my family, friends and clients with children. I encourage you to do the same.
And be sure to check out Dr. Katz's amazing NuVal Nutritional Scoring System.We all would be wise to follow this EASY rating system (from 1-100) to judge the nutritional value of our food rather than the archaic and confusing labels the FDA currently requires. We have confused the public into thinking that Zone Bars are good for us and olive oil is bad because it's 'fattening'. It will change the way you think about what is "good for you". Even my favorite snack "Robert's Gourmet Veggie Booty" ranked LOWER than Doritos Baked Tortilla Chips Nacho Cheese . . . right up there with Lay's Classic Potato Chips! (See the ratings here.) It doesn't get into the nitty gritty of food and ingredients, but it's a better judge of nutrition than what we have now. Leave the algorhythms and crazy equations to the scientists and doctors (trust me, he tried to show us how they came up with these scores and it's more than anyone needs to learn!). You'll know immediately, on site, how healthy, overall, your food is.
Hands down, Dr. Mark Hyman was my favorite lecturer this weekend. He spoke with passion, conviction, and more importantly from the heart. He himself lived in poor health and illness and single handedly, altered the trajectory of his health and changed his fate. You can read his story here. He is a proponent of 'functional medicine' and curing the CAUSE of disease and illness, not alleviating symptoms with a pill. My favorite quote of the weekend: "Depression isn't caused by a lack of Prozac!" Hilarious. Yet, what is the first thing a doctor will prescribe to a depressed patient? I think you know the answer to that one. He also stated: "A fork is the most powerful tool you have to change your health and the environment." I couldn't agree more.
I could go on and on and on and ON about Dr. Hyman and how much I respect and value him as a leader in this profession. I can with certainty and confidence stand behind his work and his writings. I highly recommend his Ultraprevention, or any of his books.
I hope to someday have the honor to work with Dr. Hyman and learn from him and stand beside him in his fight for reform and change. I'm going to start by making an appointment!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

FINALLY! Fit In Your Jeans By Friday!

No, it’s not the title of my latest fad diet (because I am SUCH a big fan of those, right?!?) But it is the title of Kim Kardashian’s latest series of workout DVD’s and I have to say I am a fan. First, because I created the routines for two of the three workouts, and second because I am on camera with Kim, leading her and you through the upper body and lower body strength and toning DVD’s. It was a lot of work, but Kim and I had so much fun and I am really proud of the product we developed together.
It was very important to me to create a series that would not be perceived as just another ‘fluff’ product endorsed by a celebrity to make money. So I went full steam ahead with Kim and she took it on like a champ. I have to say, the girl works hard. She was always asking for more training time and more rehearsals. I was very impressed by her drive and motivation and really put her all into this project.
For you, fitness enthusiasts, that means you get a REAL workout. One that will challenge you and deliver results. I think this is the first time many of you will see me in a more straight up fitness title, as opposed to dance. Although I may not be shaking my hips as much, Kim and I have a really great rapport and I think that will show in the DVD’s. So I hope you enjoy working out with us as much fun as we had making it. Although, we DID miss Super Bowl Sunday, we both feel it was worth it.
The DVD’s are also much more stylized than all of my other workouts which is really fun to see. Wait until you see the set, the colors and the FASHION. Although, ultimately, it is about the workout, this series provides a totally different feel than all my others and personally, I LOVED IT! I just think they look beautiful. More like these to come . . .

I was just with Kim here in NYC yesterday and I think the greatest reward for me is seeing her confidence grow. She told me she feels such a difference when she is working out. We didn’t CHANGE her beautiful curves and shape for which she is so well known. She is still Kim. But she stands a little taller and feels a lot stronger, poised for anything. Knowing that I helped her kick start a new habit and new way of life is something I hope to be able to do with you, and everyone who has the desire to commit to themselves and their health.

To get a behind the scenes look at our shoot, click here! And you can BUY the DVD’s exclusively on line here.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


I know I recently wrote a post regarding my amazing weekend in NYC at ECA. And it may seem to0 early for another one, but I feel so compelled by the article at which I am staring right now, that I had to get this out! I am disgusted, shocked and angered by a recent issue of the member only publication "Costco Connection" So your first question may be: "Jennifer reads magazines from Costco?" And rightly so. Not really. Actually, I believe Costco might contribute to our culture's demise. I certainly do not promote the processed and packaged foods that line the shelves and aisles of most grocery stores, much less in bulk form. Regardless, it happened to come to my apartment here in NYC addressed to my grandmother. And although my first impulse was to throw it out, I figured I would peruse it to see what America is reading. Or more appropriately, what Costco is pushing.

Originally, I was disgusted at the cover celebrating "The People's Court", Costco's food court. It illustrates many happy people, young and old, eating pizza, Coke, hot dogs and Polish sausage and praising it's "25 years of serving up value." How about 25 years of serving up heart attacks, fat, processed food and an overdose of sodium? I think that would have been a better tag-line. And I am well aware of the state of our economy, however, eating cheap processed foods does not equal value. It is a recipe for sky rocketing health costs, hospital stays and an increasing amount of people becoming overweight, unhealthy and depressed.

However, I am very cognizant of how big industry works with millions of dollars in advertising spent to ensure people spend money at their store, with a blatant disregard for our society's health, wellness and overall happiness. So while I am disgusted, I am not shocked.

What I found on page 49 of this issue however, did absolutely appal, shock and infuriate me. Jorge Cruise, a proclaimed "internationally acclaimed health expert" wrote an article called "Shrinking Those Waists" about his new report/book, "The Belly Fat Cure". In it, he promotes his theory, the "S/C Value," which he claims is the key to eating smarter instantly and start losing belly fat by ensuring you get the right amount of sugar and carbs. Ok, I'm having trouble even knowing where to start here . . . let me begin by quoting one of Jorge's 'success' stories. "The best thing is . . . I got to eat things I never though I could eat, like chocolate, Doritos and ice cream." WOW. That sounds like the epitome of a healthy person, doesn't it? Yes, Karen's waistline may have shrunk, but at what cost? Can you tell me what about Doritos and ice cream resembles good health? And balance and nutrients? BUT she DID follow Jorge's wonderful "S/C Value" which aims for no more than 15 grams of sugar and six servings of carbohydrates each day.

Well, I don't know Jorge. I have a steaming bowl of oatmeal or barley with stewed figs or prunes, ginger, cinnamon and almond slices, plus agave nectar every day, and my belly is pretty darn flat. (I think I am already over double your daily recommended intake of carbs and sugar!!!) But I know what is in my food and where it comes from . . . there are no hidden ingredients. It is a whole meal complete with loads of cancer preventing fiber, and natural, digestible sugars. And it sustains me well into the mid afternoon. I don't snack. I am full and satisfied. And I eat it because it is what MY body needs.

What really angers and astounds me are Jorge's answers to the questions posted. When one person inquired about carbohydrate portions, Jorge replies:

Using the S/C Value, one serving of carbs is anything that has 5 to 20 grams of carbohydrates. One of my favorite examples is 27 Cheez-Its; with just 17 grams of carbs, this snack counts as a 1 on the S/C Value. The added bonus is that Cheez-Its don't have any sugar, so their S/C Value is 0/1.

Again, words can not describe how upsetting this is to me. Millions of people look to Jorge for health and wellness expertise and he is serving up this?!? In another question he disses bananas. In a nutshell, Jorge would rather you eat CHEEZ-ITS than a banana because of their "S/C Value". Do me a favor. Go read the ingredients on a box of Cheez-Its and compare it to the ingredients of a banana. And then tell me, honestly, what does your body intuitively decide is better nourishment? Last time I checked, there were no CHEEZ-IT trees or bushes in my back yard. Not to mention the suggestion that people now have to count how many Cheez-Its they are eating. A sure way for people to begin obsessive calorie counting and mind games when it comes to eating. Trust me, I've been there. And how many people do you know stop at a mere 27 Cheez-Its? Those snacks are filled with ingredients that induce addictive eating.

Then comes my favorite part. In the last question on the page, a reader requests a sample breakfast for "The Belly Fat Cure". Here is Jorge's recommendation:

A quick and easy breakfast on The Belly Fat Cure is two Eggo waffles with butter, two to three scrambled eggs (depending on how hungry you are) with salt and pepper, and one Morningstar Farms sausage patty. This whole breakfast has just a 2/2 S/C Value. Or you could add one more sausage patty and skip the waffles and your entire breakfast would have a 0/1 S/C value.

Excuse me, I have to pick up my jaw off the floor. I wonder how much money Jorge has been paid to mention Eggo and Morningstar Farms in his recommendation? This disgusts and truly incites me. I don't have to read the label of these products to know the nutritional value of these foods (aside from the eggs . . . which I'm surprised he didn't throw out some brand name) is pretty much zilch. Very little fiber. Very processed. And very wrong. If time and convenience are his motivation, I bet I could whip up a healthier, more nutritious and satisfying meal faster than you can say "Leggo my Ego."

Here is the worst part. After reading this article, I of course went to Jorge's website where I discovered a picture of him and a smiling Dr. Oz, Jorge's mentor. I am ashamed that Jorge insinuates that someone as well renowned and admired in the field of health and wellness as Dr. Oz endorses his philosophy and recommendations. And nor am I exactly thrilled that Dr. Oz would support Jorge's efforts if he recommends foods such as the items mentioned above.

If this is what the health and wellness industry has become, we are in trouble and have a long, hard fight ahead of us. It's time for these so called 'experts' to stop lying to people and promoting absurd quick schemes for weight loss just to make a buck. As fitness professionals, health and wellness consultants, and leaders in our industry, it is our duty to guide people inward to re-discover their intuitive sense of eating. To encourage them to take responsibility for their own health and happiness rather than relying on one size-fits-all plans to reduce a number on a scale. To inspire them to live up to the amazing potential each and every one of us has inside. Only then will we have a happier, healthier and more loving world.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Greetings From the Big Apple!

Hello!  Well, here I am.  About two weeks into my new adventure back here on the East Coast. It feels so good to be close to wonderful friends and an amazing support system. As with most changes and transitions, there have been some rough spots.  First, it's cold. But honestly, the weather has not bothered me nearly as much as I thought that it would.  I have not been 'working' in the traditional sense as much as I was in January and the beginning of February, and I find that difficult.  I realize that much of my identity is centered around work and what I do. 
Which is why this past weekend was so inspiring and uplifting for me.  There is a fitness convention every year in NYC called ECA.  Many of my dear friends whom I have had the honor to dance and teach with were presenting this weekend.  It was so wonderful to re-connect with friends whom, even though I may not have seen them in years, understand the heart of who I am and my soul.  I love to dance.  And to find a space where I could express myself with movement and be TRULY AUTHENTIC.  Well, it's sheer bliss.  And priceless.  
There was so much love and joy in some of these rooms that it was palpable.  Yes, there was 'learning' going on, as many were there to pick up some new moves or memorize some new choreography, but there was also laughter, expression, freedom and healing going on.  Which differentiated the dance and movement style classes, I believe, from some of the other more 'traditional' fitness workshops that my friend attended.  She didn't seem to have the same sense of ecstatic-ness that I did coming out the door.  Of course we learned moves, many of which I am sure will find their way into my choreography, but we were also opening ourselves up to the world to say "Here I am and watch me move!"  Even if I don't get the steps.  I am WORKING IT OUT!  Which is why I LOVE this stuff.  I didn't care how many calories I was burning.  I didn't care how much exercise I was getting. I was in love with myself and my body for being able to express emotion through movement.  Joy, joy.  It made the small amount of pain after oh so worth it. 
I'd like to thank my wonderful friends and teachers Tony Stone, (Who by the way was nominated for 'Diva Of the Year'.  Work, my man!), Christiane Reiter (This was my first class with this dynamo dancer . . . thank you my love!) and Shaun T.  for helping me remember what it's all about and sharing your talents and love with myself and everyone in that room. 
And of course, I can not finish this blog without a big shout out of love and thanks to my soul sister, Misty.  One of the most beautiful souls I have ever met.  To move is to feel.  To feel is to heal and to heal is to love.
I encourage all of you to find your voice, your soul, your spirit through movement.  And you don't have to be a dance diva like Tony or infomercial superstar like Shaun T.  You just need to find a modality that will unlock all your creativity and passion that lies underneath.  It's there. Go find it!  And let it burst forth.  (I've suggested some new songs below . . . try them out and see how they move YOU!)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Preventing Cancer . . . and SNOPES!

So my aunt, always a diligent watchdog for health and research updates, recently sent me an email entitled "Cancer Update From John's Hopkins" with the following prelude: 


The email then goes on to list numerous statements regarding cancer cells, how they develop and thrive, and certain recommendations to minimize the risk of cancer.  Some of these are phenomenal.  Including the statement that cancer cells "thrive in an acidic environment" and my personal favorite:  

"Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit.  A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, unforgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment.  Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit.  Learn to relax and enjoy life."

I was SO impressed with the list, that I decided to see if it was all really to good to be true.  Was a highly respected medical institution, one that is regarded by the government as a leader in medical research and development really promoting a more holistic and preventative program for disease? 

Apparently not.  When I Googled "Cancer Update", a page from "Snopes" immediately popped up.  If you are unfamiliar with "Snopes.com" it is a site that debunks many of the myths that we often receive in those annoying emails that are forwarded to us by family, friends, and often enemies!  :)

"Snopes.com" did in fact categorize the email that perpetrated the John's Hopkins study as false.  (To see the email that is being forwarded, click here.)

What a shame.  Because it all makes so much sense.  Common sense.  Do I believe that if you follow all the recommendations on the list to a "T" that you are guaranteed to live cancer free? Absolutely not.  Do I agree that the statements on the list put you at a lower risk for contracting any sort of disease, virus, bacteria, etc. and in general will guide you toward leading a more fulfilling, healthy and vibrant life?  ABSOLUTELY. 

Unfortunately, people may go to Snopes, see this email listed as 'false' and completely discredit anything it supports.  Giving people another excuse to say "See. It doesn't matter what I eat, do or think. There is nothing I can do to prevent a life threatening disease such as Cancer."  and go off and enjoy a Big Mac, large fries and Coca-Cola.  

I hope that is not the case.  I hope that, regardless of the listing on 'Snopes' that people will read the email and say, "Yes, this all makes sense.  Naturally and intuitively".

I hope.  

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Embarking On a New Adventure

Well, here I am in NYC, freezing my you-know -what off for my first weekend of schooling at the Institute For Integrative Nutrition. Back in school. Wow. I am excited to learn more about a topic which, as you can imagine, I am already very passionate about. I am not sure if it will feed or help alleviate the neurosis. I am hoping the latter! It is time for everyone, myself included, to have a healthy relationship with food and allow it to enhance, as opposed to rule, or lives.
We seek out healthy relationships everywhere else and work SO hard to maintain and strive for balance in our relationships with our friends, loved ones, spouses, family, money . . . why not food?
What we choose to put in our mouths and consequently our body, our vital organs, the very system that keeps us alive and kicking, can NOT be underestimated. Our society has been brainwashed by the government and it’s unabashed support of poor health habits. If you haven’t already seen it, just take a look at this advertisement for high fructose corn syrup.

SERIOUSLY!?!? I saw this on TV and my jaw dropped to the floor. I could not believe they allowed this on the air. The problem is this: PEOPLE WILL BELIEVE THIS CRAP! It’s hard for me to fathom. If you want to see some of the FACTS about this genetically modified ingredient, watch this one.
This is just one example (and to me the most blatant disregard for public health to date) of how agriculture companies are willing to sacrifice our nation’s health and well being for a buck. And the government supports and subsidizes the very industries that produce this crap. Very scary.
It’s really time to wake up. Intuitively, we all know what to feed ourselves. What sustains and vitalizes us. Let’s get clear about what is propaganda and what is truly good for us. Listen to your intuition.
No, I will not tell you the ‘new and improved’ Lucky Charms cereal is good for you because it is now made with “whole grains”. No, I will not agree with you that high fructose corn syrup, like other sugars, is ‘fine in moderation’. You know better than that.
As I continue to learn and grow throughout my course, you will probably find more and more of my blogs related to food and nutrition. I am excited to add this component to my areas of expertise and look forward to sharing all of my knowledge and revelations with you!
Here’s to a happy, healthy and CLEAR new year!